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The University logo

The original, adaptive and linear configurations of the University of Leeds logo: University of Leeds black text next to an icon of the Parkingson clock tower.


The trademarked University of Leeds logo is formed of two parts. The symbol, featuring the Parkinson building tower, and the University of Leeds wordmark.

There are three configurations of the logo, which are tailored to suit the demands of wide-ranging communication channels and formats.

In the modern multi-channel environment, the adaptive configuration of the logo is favoured for its versatility and efficient use of space, while the linear configuration is used sparingly, working best in limited vertical spaces.

The logo configurations are available to download in various formats from the University image library. Please include a detailed usage explanation in your request form.

Faculties, schools, departments and services should not be identified by using individual logos. They should be identified by name.

Clear space

To ensure that the University logo always appears clearly and unobstructed, it is important to provide an area of clear space around it. The minimum clear space areas are shown here. No other object should appear within this area at any time.

Original configuration

The minimum clear space for the original configuration is equal to half the width of the symbol.

The original configuration of the University of Leeds logo: black text with an icon of the Parkinson clock tower.

Adaptive configuration

The minimum clear space for the adaptive configuration is equal to the width of the ‘U’ in the wordmark.

The University of Leeds logo: an icon of the Parkinson clock tower with University of Leeds in black text. 'U' symbols show the clear space required for the adaptive configuration of the logo.

Linear configuration

The minimum clear space for the linear configuration is equal to half the width of the ‘U’ in the wordmark.

The University of Leeds logo: an icon of the Parkinson clock tower with University of Leeds in black text. 'U' symbols show the clear space required for the linear configuration of the logo.

Minimum size

The University logo should always be legible and must never lose its integrity when reduced to a small size.

Original configuration

The original configuration should never appear in print smaller than 25mm wide. The original configuration is not well suited to modern digital applications. The adaptive or linear configurations are recommended for digital use.

The University of Leeds logo: black text with an icon of the Parkinson clock tower. A line shows the minimum 25mm width required for use.

Adaptive and linear configurations

The adaptive and linear configurations should never be smaller than 20px height (for digital applications) or 5mm height (for print).

The adaptive logo shown with a 20px height.


The logo configurations should be black or white. They can be used on image or colour backgrounds with sufficient contrast for legibility.

Our commitment to making our communications accessible for all means that we should always aim for maximum legibility. An online colour contrast checker should be used to ensure your chosen colours pass WCAG AA standards, which is required for legal compliance.

Positioning and layout

Original configuration

The original configuration can be positioned in the bottom right corner of the artwork or the bottom right corner of a panel set within the artwork.

The logo shown in different positions on a blank page.

Adaptive configuration

The adaptive configuration can be positioned in any corner of the artwork, or panel set within the artwork. Top left is preferred where possible.

The adaptive logo shown in different positions on blank, square designs.

Linear configuration

The linear configuration must always be left-aligned to the top or bottom of the artwork, or panel set within the artwork.

The linear logo shown in different positions on two blank pages.

Uncoupled adaptive configuration

In limited, pre-approved cases only, the adaptive logo can be uncoupled. This treatment is subject to strict design rules and should only be executed by professional designers on the internal and external design framework.

Approvals must be sought by the Brand and Creative Team. Email the Brand and Creative team:

The adaptive logo uncoupled on a page, with the icon and text separated.


Only use the official logo files provided. The symbol and wordmark must always be featured when presenting the University logo.

The only exception permissible is when used on social media sites as an avatar. Email the Social Media team via for permission.

If you need further guidance, email email the Brand and Creative team:

To ensure the integrity and legibility of the logo, we ask that it is not altered or added to in any way. This is not an exhaustive list, but some examples include:

  • do not stretch or distort the logo, its proportions should never be altered;
  • do not add elements to the logo, and always maintain the clear space as outlined in the above guidance;
  • do not add shadows or effects to the logo;
  • do not alter any individual part of the logo, including the colouring in of the tower, resizing of individual elements, re-aligning the positioning of the tower etc;
  • do not alter the wordmark, including changing the font or its alignment to the symbol;
  • do not use any colours other than black or white.


Examples of misuse of the University of Leeds logo.