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After your photoshoot

After your photoshoot you'll still need to choose which images the photographer will do post-production work on. It's also helpful to share your images with the wider University community via the University image library.

Selecting your images

Once the shoot is complete, the photographer should supply you with low-resolution files of the shots for your selection purposes. These may be provided as contact sheets.

At this stage, any unusable images (eyes closed, out of focus or over exposed) should have been removed. However, the images will not have been fully processed (had adjustments made, for example, to colour or lighting balance, or had objects which shouldn’t be in the frame Photoshopped out). For the images to be post-processed, you will need to select a pre-agreed number of suitable images to receive from your photographer.

Things to consider

  • Variety – select your images based on current need but also consider other future uses. Make sure you don't select too many of the same thing. For example, there may be many similar shots with only slight changes in facial expression. Request the best one.
  • Portrait and landscape – select images in both portrait and landscape format. If you have shot people, choose images both looking to camera and 'in action'.
  • Priorities – remember that images can be cropped in, particularly if going into a printed or digital design, so focus on facial expression, props, sense of place and general feel.

Your final images

Once you've decided on your final choice of images, you can request the post-processed, high-resolution final files of these from the photographer. You will already have agreed how many high-resolution images you will require.

Post-processed images are supplied to you at 300dpi (print quality), even if they are only intended for use on screen. Depending on how many images you have agreed on, this might be a large file transfer, so could be sent to you via a web transfer link.

When your photography is finished, we encourage you to share the images with other University colleagues by uploading the high-resolution photos to the image library. To save time and improve search visibility, use 'bulk upload'. This will allow basic metadata to be applied across multiple images. Find out how to tag these for optimum search in the image library guidance.

Once you have uploaded your images to the image library, you can delete all images, low-resolution, finals and contact sheets from your local drives to free up space.