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Photographing people

Our students and staff are at the heart of what the University does, so our images of people need to be especially strong.

Paying subjects

If your subjects are students, consider whether you need, and have budget to pay for, their time, as this can increase commitment.


When selecting people for your shoot, aim to reflect the diversity of the University community. Make sure that different people and groups are represented, considering characteristics like age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, religion and belief.

Positioning subjects

In setting up a shot, think about the positioning of people and who you want to face camera. Everyone in the foreground must sign an image consent form. Find out more in getting permission.

Briefing subjects

Make sure you brief everyone who will be photographed. Things you might want to cover are:

  • How long they will be needed.
  • Where they need to be and at what time.
  • Mobile phone numbers – exchange numbers, in case there are problems on the day.
  • Clothing – ask them to bring a change of clothing, in case a particular colour doesn't work and for variety of shots.
  • Clothing – ask them not to wear branded items or black or highly patterned clothes.
  • Clothing – ask everyone to wear clothing that covers shoulders and upper legs, so we can use the images in all overseas advertising.
  • Props – ask subjects to bring their own props, such as files or equipment, if relevant to telling their story.